Thursday, February 14, 2008

What is Christian Noir?

It’s been almost a year since I posted here. I got busy, and the subject I’d meant to write about didn’t stir my passions enough to draw me back. So, the other day I changed the concept and title to something that started my mind churning when my novel The Do-Re-Mi got called “the first hardboiled Christian mystery.”

The whole story of this blog and its title goes back some years, to when I sent a manuscript to a Christian agent, and got the following reply. “I’d be happy to represent you and I would try to sell this book, but I don’t think I can. It’s too Christian for the secular market and has too much sex for the Christian market.”

I said, “Huh? There’s no sex in it.”

He said, “The character thinks about sex.”

I said, “But what he thinks isn’t very graphic, and besides, Christians I know think about sex a lot.”

He said, “Not in Christian books, they don’t.”

So, I have wondered for years, where does somebody publish books that present Christian characters like the ones I know, who can be delusional, tormented, misguided, doubtful, horny, and sometimes even downright wicked.

If anyone can send me an answer to that, please do.


J. Mark Bertrand said...

Ken, I just discovered your blog and ordered a few of your books, and now I'm looking forward to reading more Christian Noir. I've had the exact same conversation ("too much sex"/"but there is no sex") more than once. It's hard to know how to respond to situations like that!


Melodee said...

When you find out, will you please let me know? I read Graham Greene on your recommendation, now I must read your novels. Which do you recommend I pick up first?

Melodee from Mt. Hermon last year