Monday, May 18, 2009

An element of what we'd call a talent or gift is the ability or the will to do whatever is required to develop it. 

When people say to be a writer you need to write every day, what they actually mean is, you need to be willing and able to spend whatever time and energy is required to transform your potential gift or talent into a flourishing one. 

I took up guitar when I was twelve. But I never could make myself spend more than about ten minutes a day actually practicing. I might play longer, but not work on scales or on learning new and difficult riffs. Many years later, I'm no better at guitar than I was at fourteen. But even now, I could gain some real mastery if I could make myself practice a half hour a day.

My dad built and operated a par three golf course. Most of my life, I've played golf, but I'll never be able to approach par regularly unless I play at least once a week and add to that a couple hours on the driving range and another hour chipping and putting. 

The point is, I could be a good (though probably not great) musician or a superior golfer if I would, and could make myself, put in the required time and energy.

We're born with gifts. Making them work or not is our choice.

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